

Many students utilize captions for various reasons; captions are recommended for all instructional videos. 标题 serve as a means of equal access to auditory content for students who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing. 也, captions provide students who are English language learners or those learners that require multiple modalities to retain information an enhanced ability to learn better and retain information.

Screenshot of Campaign for 加州大学洛杉矶分校 video. Student with 加州大学洛杉矶分校 sweatshirt, English captions read "A place that embraces all people"


 校长的办公室 provides guidance on digital content accessibility, 包括文本, audio, 静态图像, 动画, 或视频, 不管交付系统是什么.


  • An accommodation is requested from a student, staff member, or other person who requires captioning.
  • Multimedia will be shared multiple times and over an extended period.
  • Multimedia is reused in new courses and newly revised segments of existing courses.
  • Multimedia is used in a course for more than one semester.
  • If captioning is required for one semester, the quality must be clear enough to allow equivalent access (the ability to infer the meaning of whole sentences). Note: At this time, automatic speech recognition (e.g., YouTube automatic captioning) is unacceptable due to the tendency for errors unless the content owner manually fixes auto-captions.
  • Multimedia is on a public-facing web page (e.g., commencements or other public-facing 流媒体或录制 events, news, and marketing videos).


  • Any multimedia that is purchased should be delivered in a captioned state. If not, the campus must ensure that captioning will be done upon receipt.
  • Archived materials are to be captioned upon request. Caption frequently requested materials.
  • Captioning should be outsourced if the campus cannot provide the resources or support specific technical concerns. This requires funding, so each campus budget must accommodate it.
  • 毕业典礼s or other public-facing events, 流媒体或录制, news and marketing videos may require outside services.
  • Captioning is a low priority if lecture capture is used to post a lecture that reviews a face-to-face class and will only be available for one semester, 也没有住宿要求.


在为你的课程选择视频时, the easiest method is to select a video that is already manually captioned. 

  • It is important to note that machine-generated (auto-gen) captions are insufficient to constitute equal access for Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing individuals.

这所大学订阅了各种 video catalogs available through the John F. 肯尼迪纪念图书馆.


To check whether YouTube captions are machine-generated, click the "CC" button in the video's lower right-hand corner. 

  • If there is no CC button, there aren't any captions available.
  • 如果标题是自动生成的, 当你点击抄送按钮, the top left of the video will show "caption language and (auto-generated), 单击“设置”."
  • 如果视频有手动字幕, there will be no mention of "auto-generated," only the language and the "单击“设置”" prompt will appear.

如果你在YouTube上有视频资源, 你可以 manually correct auto-generated captions through the YouTube studio platform.


Utilize transcripts for audio-only content such as podcasts or interviews. Transcripts provide a written account of auditory content and are also used by those searching audio content by keywords or concepts. We recommended transcripts for audio-only instructional content; faculty and staff can request audio transcripts by completing the Video Caption Request form below and uploading an audio file.


Utilize audio descriptions to create an accessible alternative to visual information displayed without audio narration. Some video styles present informational graphics within the video that are not spoken aloud via a narration track. In this situation, closed captions are unsuitable because no spoken narration is available. 的 only audio available in these videos tends to be music and leaves a non-sighted individual without the appropriate contextual information. An audio description track can solve this problem by providing a descriptive narrative of the video's visual information; 电子邮件可访问性 for assistance with audio transcription. 


If you have exhausted your search for a captioned version of your video material, 你可以 request captioning of your video asset through our third-party captioning service. 的re is a cost associated with this service, and as such, your college approves all submissions. If you are captioning due to an accommodation request for a student enrolled in your course, 费用由教务处负担.

If you are responsible for creating a large volume of media for your department and require your own CaptionSync account, 你可以 在线申请一个CaptionSync帐户.